Books & Bordeaux
Book Reviews, Discussion Guides, and Wine-Book Pairings
“Call no man happy until he is dead. Herodotus.” Mr. Nancy raised a white eyebrow, and he said, “I’m not dead yet, and, mostly because I’m not dead yet, I’m happy as a clamboy.” “The Herodotus thing. It doesn’t mean that the dead are happy,” said Shadow. “It means that you can’t judge the shape of someone’s life until it’s over and done.”
book club
At Books & Bordeaux you’ll find book reviews, discussion questions, and tasting notes for a beverage that I sometimes relate to the book itself. Books & Bordeaux is a book club made up of women that meets once a month and enjoys all genres of books from sci-fi to historical fiction to urban fantasy. Our book club meets once a month to have the best book chats and to drink all the wines.